Summer Street Productions
2670 Summers Street - Kennesaw Georgia-30144

Appointments available

Price list Below
Summer Street Productions
2670 Summers Street - Kennesaw Ga. 30144

Video Production Room Recording Suite
Silver Package
Gold Package
3 hours of Live Streaming
1 hour for set-up / Practice
Streaming only to your desired platform
1 intern - 1 video tech 1 Lead tech
This would be a Base price per session of $1125.00
Normal rate is $1500 per 3 hour Block.
Song Video
4 hours of Live streaming
1 hour for set up / Practice
Audio recording included
Streaming to your desired platform and recorded for editing. (Editing not included)
1 Intern - 2 video techs - 1 Lead tech
This would be a base price of $1500.00
Normal rate is $1875.00
Summer Street Production can create a Video of you lip syncing to your Song for $800 to $1000. This includes reasonable Edits. $85 per hour will apply for additional effects.
Add on to packages
Video editing of concert/event is $85 per hour with a minimum of 2 hours
Melodyne voice correction - $50 per song
Building your Social Media platform
Posting to your Social Media platforms
Website development
Note – Please understand that these packages are intended to be used for budgeting purposes. We will require 1/2 payment when the project is booked – Final payment the day and before the event occurs. We require payment beforehand because the tech are paid per job.
Packages - Important Notes and things to consider
The hours alloted timefream can include your set up and more practice time if requested. But your time scheduled -is the time we expect you to perform within.
If you are late or for some reason do not communicate with SSP - then you will be expected to pay for the additional time. If someone is scheduled behind you, then we will have to do a hard stop - to honor our other clients.
The Silver package is considered our base package. If you want to do less than the 4 hours alloted for the package, then the hourly rate is $375.00 and will include the techs listed above.
If you want to supply your own techs, then the hourly rate will be based on a $200 per hour time frame with a minimum of 3 hours or $600.00
If you supply your own techs, then they must be approved by the owner or Lead tech employeed by Summer Street Productions.
Damaged equipment will be replaced by new products or payment will be at the new product rate.
SPS is not responsible for items brought into the facility as part of your production.